Emergency Aid for Students who could not continue their studies in Ukraine / Екстрена допомога студентам з України


Target Group and Funding

The Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) Student Body are providing funds to support international students who could not continue their studies in Ukrainewith scholarships of up to 1,500.00 EUR as a one-time payment. Applications can only be approved if the applying student can prove that they are in a financial emergency. Funding can be granted only within the limits of available funds. There is no legal entitlement to the scholarship.


The funds are reserved exlusively for students who couln't continue their studies in the ukraine (not only Ukrainian citizens). To apply, the following proof must be provided:

  • Certificate of non-German citizenship (in particular Ukrainian citizenship, but also other citizenships)
  • JGU certificate of enrollment
  • Proof of need provided by a JGU lecturer.

Funding Volume

In the current phase, the Scholarship Foundation Rhineland-Palatinate and the JGU Mainz Student Body have each provided 38,300.00 EUR. The total funding volume amounts to 76,600.00 EUR.

Application Deadlines

Applications can be submitted at any time. The award of funds is tied to the available amount.

Data Protection Information

If funding is awarded, the applicants name and address will be stored for 10 years. Other personal data required for the allocation of funds for the scholarship's duration (banking information) will be deleted three months after the scholarship ends. In case of a rejection, the submitted application documents - other than the applicant's name and ground for rejection -  will be deleted immediately. By submitting an application, the applicant attests their consent with the above-mentioned storage of data.


Application forms


Application Form

Proof of need


Application Form

Proof of need


Application Form

Proof of need